Category: My College Days

Madeline Gibson
English 302
February 15, 2012
Dr. Whelan-Stewart
The Awakening: A Look into Naturalism

Naturalism is a broad term used to describe a period in time as well as a type of literature. Naturalism, in its literary aspect, can be described as a work that tells of forbidden passions, undeniable urges and lusts, prejudices, fate, and often included the characters having relationships with their environments as well as bringing up subjects that may be seen as uncouth to discuss in society. Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is a work of Naturalism as it skillfully brings to light women of the late 1800’s, specifically the main character, Edna Pontellier, and her struggle with the reality that she faces in the society and environment that she has married into.
The Awakening brings to spotlight the ‘issue,’ as general society saw it, of the new, empowered, independent woman who was not defined by her family alone. Edna is the perfect example to symbolize how all of the aspects of naturalism. “Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her” (Heath 435). She goes through a self-realization that forces her to think about how she feels as a woman and the wants, desires, feelings, and emotions that go along with being female. Edna also finds herself caught in a romantic relationship with two men who are not her husband, but she only loves one of them. Edna’s life in The Awakening is one that is full of examples of naturalism.
Towards the beginning of the story, we find that Edna has been out on the beech without her umbrella to shield her skin from the sun and when she meets her husband that he is critical of her skin and how it has developed sunburn. This is the beginning of when we notice a little of what Edna will be trying to break free of: the oppression that she feels from her husband and society to be and to look like the ideal woman. We can see this in the third chapter where Edna is crying uncontrollably and seems to be going through “an indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with a vague anguish” (Heath 429). Edna is beginning to realize that she does not agree, nor accept, the way that she is expected to behave. This is connected with naturalism because Edna’s background and social environment have thus far governed her character.
Child birth is also discussed quite heavily in this story and it becomes another example of naturalism as this topic was not discussed in the late 1800’s in polite society. Chopin, however, brings to light the feelings that women had with the child birthing process. Edna does not even want to think of child birth, “her own like experiences seemed far away, unreal, and only half remembered. She recalled faintly an ecstasy of pain, the heavy odor of chloroform, a stupor which had deadened sensation, and an awakening to find a little new life to which she had given being, added to the great unnumbered multitude of souls that come and go” (Heath 511). Edna, contrasting to another character, Adele, who is seen as the perfect woman in that society, is very removed from the birth of her children. This brings into play the fact that she does not feel a lot of emotional attachment to her children as she only sees them as other beings in the world, not very remarkable at all, though she does love them. This disconnect between Edna and her children only strengthens that conviction that she is growing that she is her own woman and that she is not defined by her family alone.
Also, throughout the story the sea is used as a very important setting for Edna as she finds her freedom and her individuality in the sea. “The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation. The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace” (Heath 435). In this passage we can see the different roles that the sea plays in the story to Edna. In one respect it is very sexual and alluring for her and in another sense it represents the mother that Edna never thinks or talks about. We can also see a distinction of the sea being greedy and somewhat evil at the end of the story when Edna walks into the sea, “The foamy wavelets curled up to her white feet, and coiled like serpents about her ankles. She walked out. The water was chill, but she walked on” (Heath 515). The sea being portrayed as a serpent that pulls her into the dangerous water is representative of the fact that Edna needs some risk in her life. She craves being in the sea, completely surrounded and enveloped. “There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air;” this small sentence at the very end of the story is one that tells of the mothering aspect of the relationship as well. As the color pink is brought into the story, it is apparent that the sea is supposed to be seen as a surrogate mother for Edna, as she is completely disconnected with her own biological mother. This complex relationship between the sea and Edna is another facet of naturalism that Chopin writes beautifully.
Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is a story that is laced with naturalism. It is about a woman finding herself and it is also a sad story in that Edna, in the end, realizes that everyone will leave her, except for the sea, who she gives herself up to. Naturalism is clearly seen throughout the story and Chopin writes a very interesting, worthwhile story to read.

Work Cited
Lauter, Paul, and Bruce-Novoa. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath,
1990. Print.

Love has always been a wide topic of discussion. It intrigues and fascinates people, pulling them into the media-constructed world of love at first sight and dramatic heartbreak that can only be found in movies. Everyone likes movies. Movies are a common entertainment throughout the world. However, some directors try to relate to the general population through movies, especially movies in the genre of romantic comedies. These kinds of movies try to portray what perfect love is like or even just what it is like to be devastatingly heartbroken. These tales give us a preconceived idea of what love is supposed to be like before we experience it for ourselves. The unrealistic concepts that are put forth by these movies can be detrimental to people’s love lives and even to how people perceive the world around them.

In 1937 Disney released its first fairy tale princess story Snow White. The movie was immediately popular, especially with young girls. Since then, Disney has released ten other princess stories, and in 2000 Disney put all the princesses together in a collection and started calling the collection “Disney Princess”. The worldwide sale of the Disney Princess collection is referred to now as the “Princess” phenomenon. Some view this marketing technique as harmful to preconceived notions that girls acquire after watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty while they are growing up. The princess concept creates a “very narrow and prescriptive view of femininity, and one that ought to be outmoded in the 21st Century” (Ebner).

The Disney Princesses all have a few things in common besides their “damsel-in-distress, I-need-a-man-to-save-me” stories. They are all physically beautiful, timid, and are all waiting around for their true love to come to them. Disney’s focus on physical beauty shows little girls that they have to be beautiful from society’s viewpoint to get the man of their dreams. The notion of being timid and waiting for a man to start the girl’s life because she depends solely on him, sends the message that if women would just wait at home and clean, then one day their true love and prince will come, and all their dreams will come true. This is a dangerous view of life because it encourages women not to try to better themselves or be successful, but to wait for and depend upon their husbands. This view of life also gives the idea that everything women want will be handed to them without any work on their part at all. As Ada L. Huxtable said in her article Living with the Fake and Learning to Like It, “ I do not know just when we lost our sense of reality or our interest in it, but at some point it was decided that reality was not the only option” (Huxtable 197). What Huxtable means by this is that society’s grip on reality has become blurred in the recent years. This also includes the romantic part of society. What is happening is that women and girls are choosing fake romances like the ones presented in the Disney Princess movies, instead of doing their best in a real relationship that could potentially be hard to deal with.

This preconception of what romances should be like has given women and girls unrealistic expectations on romance and love, whether they be consciously aware of it or not. Women and girls will compare their possible significant others and even their husbands to the ‘perfect’ men in these fairy tales that they have been watching since they were little. While this isn’t always something that women are consciously aware of, it can damage relationships. These movies about fairy tales give unrealistic expectations of what a relationship is supposed to be like and can also damage future relationships. “Love is not breathlessness, it is not endless excitement, it is not eternal passion,” love is about sacrifice, working things out with your loved one, and sometimes is very difficult (Disney Movies). This idea that love is perfect and effortless can damage relationships because it can lead to women not be happy with what they have and are blessed with; and also to women not trying hard enough for the relationships in their lives that matter the most because women might think that relationships should be very easy due to the precedents set forth in the Disney princess movies.

These unrealistic expectations of what the perfect man should be, as shown in the Disney movies, besides harming the women of the relationship, can leave husbands and boyfriends thinking that they are not good enough and that they never will be in comparison to the Disney’s heroes who are the seemingly perfect men and who share their feelings and always know the right things to say and do. In addition, wives and girlfriends can be frustrated with their husbands because these women feel like they aren’t good enough in comparison to the Disney princess precedent, which some women believe while growing up are the ideal and women are hardwired to believe that these princesses are what their husbands desire the most. Also, the time that women spend obsessing over the perfect prince, or anything other than their significant other, can make the relationship unstable and more likely to fall apart (Brotherson). This is seen especially in today’s society, where the rate of divorce had gone sky rocketing up in the past several years. While none of these divorces are, on the outside, caused by just the unhappiness that men and women feel about not being good enough for their partner, if one would dig deeper into the past of the broken relationship, one would find that these precedents are a big part of the broken marriage or relationship. This is a problem that should be studied very closely.

Sexuality is something that should never enter a child’s world. Sexuality, however, has become a major part of the 21st Century society, even an acceptable one. Provocative images are all over the world and they are woven into almost everything that is made for society. Commercials, television shows, advertisements for any store or business, and movies all have majorly sexual themes. These are all things that children watch and notice. According to Beulah Amsterdam from the University of North Carolina, babies begin to have a sense of “self-concept” when they are two years old (Pendergrast 22). This means that babies start to recognize that it is themselves in the mirror opposite them. This awareness of one’s bodies comes long before or sometimes during that time when children are exposed to society. They are exposed to society in movies, namely cartoons ones such as the Disney movies, and through the television. This self awareness proves that children know that difference between being skinny and being fat and which one society thinks is better by the images that these children see, which includes the concept of sexuality. In the Disney Princess movies, sexuality is still a major role. From the princess Jasmine’s midriff baring outfit in Aladdin to Ariel’s seashell bra, which is her only piece of clothing, in The Little Mermaid. Featured along with this sexual phenomenon is the ‘thin is beautiful’ and the ‘way to have the perfect life.’ This problem is one that is seen in the Disney princesses as well as in modern day society. Society puts the images of waif thin models, who are supposed to be very beautiful and are inadvertently role models for many people, all in their advertisements and movies. Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Belle, Ariel, Jasmine, and Tiana, are all skinny with seemingly size zero waists. These movie characters are idols for young impressionable children and have been for decades now. These princesses, if turned human, would not be able to be healthy and still have the same body that they have as cartoons in movies. With these types of role models “children… grow up knowing that can never be thin enough and that being fat is one of the worst things one can be” (Bordo 48). These unrealistic body images that are presented throughout one’s entire life can harm relationships in one’s everyday life. The images can cause people to see their bodies as unacceptable and ugly, when, in all actuality, every one is different, and every body is beautiful in its own unique way. This can be potentially harmful to relationships because it can give the woman, or even the man, a faulty sense of their body which can led to feeling depressed and stressed all the time. These feelings are often destructive to relationships as they are selfish feelings, meaning they are feelings that don’t take into consideration the other person in the relationship.

The image that women should be beautiful and pleasing to everyone is one that many women, especially feminists, should have a problem with. The focus on physical looks rather than having intelligence at the forefront is dangerous to young, impressionable girls who look up to their parents and media, like Disney, as they are growing up. It is a scary occurrence when little girls value their looks over their knowledge. This idea that beauty is more desirable than intelligence is dangerous because it invites girls and women to the mindset that they are not good enough and that they should try their hardest to be what the world considers beautiful and then they will be happy. This faulty sense of beauty can be “perilous to their mental and physical health” (Orenstein). What women should understand is that instead of being physically beautiful to the world, they should be smart, intelligent, opinionated women, and then they will become beautiful in their own right.

Princesses have moved beyond even physical beauty in recent years, however. Disney has begun to market its Princesses with excessive jewelry and sparkles and overflowing dresses that signify wealth. This sends a message that you must be rich to be happy. This idea is a dangerous impression to have especially while girls are coming of age. They will have unrealistic goals for their lives as they grow and begin to have their own lives and have to support themselves. These unrealistic goals are dangerous because they instill in young girls the sense that they don’t need to take care of themselves and pursue their dreams.

The focus on beauty with increasingly young girls is one that should not be ignored. Girls should be taught to love themselves exactly how they are and to want to move forward in their lives on their own. Girls should have ambitions, dreams, and hopes for the future that they can make into a reality by themselves. They should also have healthy outlooks about love and the happiness it can bring people. “If women and girls know the difference between fantasy and reality then they don’t negatively effect them. However, in today’s generations, parent’s don’t make it clear to their children the difference between fantasy and reality” (Verret). This is true. If girls understand that what they see in Disney movies is fake and just watch the movie for what it is, a fairy tale, then they would be extremely less inclined to believe in or hope for the unrealistic romances presented in them and therefore less inclined to be disappointed that the world isn’t perfect like it is in fairy tales.

Mondays: 9:00-9:50 Math 231 Elementary Probability and Statistical Inference

10:00-10:50 Latin 101 Elementary Latin 1

1:00-2:15 English 221 Classical Mythology

5:25-8:05 Education 204 Orientation to Multicultural and Special Education

Tuesdays: 10:50-12:05 English 202 Survey of English Literature II

Wednesday: 9:00-9:50 Math 231

10:00-10:50 Latin 101

1:00-2:15 English 221

5:25- 8:05 Biology 105 Living World I

Thursday: 10:50-12:05 English 202

Friday: 9:00-9:50 Math 231

10:00-10:50 Latin 101

I have a full 18 hours, and I share Education 204, Math 231, and Biology 105 with Travis.

In America in the 1800’s, women dressed conservatively in floor length dresses with long sleeves. Since those times, the wardrobe of the American woman has changed dramatically, especially in the recent 21st Century. The fashion industry has become a breeding ground of publicity, provocation, and sexuality. The industry has put out an ‘ideal’ image of what it thinks all beautiful women should look like and how attractive and interesting they think women should be. The problem with this concept is that most American women do not fit into this image and never will, even if they deny that they will not fit into it.

The ‘ideal’ person of the fashion industry can be identified by the models that designers use on the runway or even by reality stars and pop singers in the media. They all have an ‘image’ that the rest of America sees and is influenced by, and in the past few years it has not been a wholesome or good image that is impressed upon us. Susan Bordo, in “Never Just Pictures,” comments that the ideal image of the “trim, tight body” does not seem to be letting go of our minds and our perceptions of “beauty and normality” any time soon (Bordo 48).

Recently New York hosted its annual New York Fashion Week, which is a week devoted to designers who wish to show off their latest fashions for this season. On September 9th an article was published on a Yahoo! reporting site called Shine that announced that a fashion show was to be held during New York Fashion Week that would include only plus-sized models and it will “kick the tradition” of the fashion industry being viewed as solely a “thin” woman industry and would, for the first time, put on show “dedicated to full-figured gals” (Romolini).

The article spawned many a comment on what exactly people think the term plus-size means and how this fashion show should be handled in regards to the overweight and unhealthy controversy that is prominent in plus-size arguments. Many comments on the article were negative people, such as this comment: “so sick of people promoting obesity. Its unhealthy. There is absolutely no reason for anybody to go over a size 12. and THAT is why america is so much more overweight than any other country” (Romolini). In reality what size a women is depends on many different things that are different for every person. For instance, a five foot women is most likely going to be overweight at a size 14, excluding health problems, while a five foot seven women is most likely going to fit into a size 14 comfortably. Much depends on their personal preferences of course. The fact still remains that a size is a size, and it doesn’t qualify a person overweight or unhealthy. This fact was pointed out in a different comment made in response to the same article:

‘Plus size’ does not ‘statistically mean unhealthy.’ Any doctor could tell you that. Health and medical textbooks could tell you that too. Every woman’s body is different. Weight is due to muscle mass, bone structure and mass, organ mass, etc. Unfortunately, weight has become the standard for judging health, the more weight the more unhealthy. It’s sort of ironic, considering if you looked at a[n] 85-lb woman, you judge [that] she’s unhealthy. So evidently, ‘skinny’ doesn’t ‘statistically mean healthy,’ and if that be the case then ‘plus size’ does not ‘statistically mean unhealthy’ (Romolini).

This is a comment that both nullifies the theory that “no one should ever be over a size 12” and supports the fact that all women are different. And if the American people would research this fact, then they would see that this negative attitude towards plus size women is not based on fact but the perceptions of the media and fashion industry.

In the advertisements for clothes, perfumes, even electronics, women are changing from what they used to look like, which was generally more modest.

“There is no question about the fact that the mass media provides images of the right men and attractive women and attempts hereby to impose the ideal image in the minds of society… Cover girls posing and models parading before our eyes are usually attractive, mostly young or young looking, typically thin, and either scantily or provocatively clad. Democratic capitalism in its insatiable quest to open new markets, demands for its ‘sell’ sexual signifiers and prefers that female flesh should be accessible” (Alapack 42.6).

The images that the media and fashion industry put out to the public are demeaning and show just how much has changed in society since the 1800’s, which is not to say that we should return to our fashions form the 1800’s, just that these images show a radical change in today’s society from 200 years ago.

For instance, take Miley Cyrus, one of the most influence people today and a singer and television star that started her television career at the age of 15 on the Disney Channel. Lately, she, at the age of 17, has been trying to move past her child image and become an ‘adult.’ She is doing this by dressing more risqué in her music videos and in her concerts in front of millions of children. Bloggers and critics argue that this is just her attempt to become a woman and that this is how women dress (Figure 1). As said by a commenter on the subject of her recent escapades, “It’s appalling how the media can say that shes trying to grow up and act like a women when all shes really doing is teaching the youth of America that dressing like a slut is okay. Last time I checked real women, women who have some form of self respect, don’t jump around in lacy leggings and see how much cleavage they can show off or how short their shorts can be” (Stegall). I agree with this statement because I believe that the ideals put forth for our influence in today’s society are exactly as Stegall says.

This should be a major wake up call for women everywhere, especially those who are trying to break from the ideal, that this is how America, and even the world, sees women now.

As society changes and evolves so does the fashion industry it is an inevitable cycle. Society, as a whole, needs to figure out where people stand on these pressing issues and be more accepting of change, especially if it’s for the better of the people of the country. The United States of America is split in half right now due to this problem in the fashion industry. America should take into consideration the children of the nation, as they are innocent and becoming not so innocent in their fashions at an increasingly young age due to the media’s influence over all people.

(I wrote this in the Fall of 2010 for my English 102 class, if you would like my sources, just ask and I will try to put them up as well)